Emergency plan
Skrivet den 2011-01-28 @ 10:35:15
What makes a good emergency preparedness plan?
One key factor is accurateness. To prepere an ultimate emergency plan we have to be very accurate and consider every prospect of each situation.
Have you thought about an emergency plan for the future? These are some notes we feel are important for the community to consider in the future.
· Isolate the house better so you can decrease your electrical use.
· The farmers have to build up a stock consisting of grains.
· The scientists need to work harder to get forward in their researches.
· Limit the daily electrical use and if you go beyond the limit your electricity will be turned off.
If the oil were to run out the ambulances won’t be able to reach and help someone I need of emergency medical treatment. This will be a hugh problem in the future. Keep healthy and if you know you are in need for medical treatment, you should live nearby the hospital.
The production of medicine must also be located nearby the hospital; otherwise it will be a problem when the transporting won’t be possible anymore.
You should also consider living near your job, since the bus- and train traffic may not be available due to unessential commute and you may not have the possibility to drive your car to work.
How will the farmers be able to deliver the grains into the city without gas?
How will the medicine be delivered to the hospitals?
How should be reach out to the community about the crisis?
These are some three small question marks, which can develop into something very critical.
Whose responsibility is it to look after our emergency plan?
It’s the environment responsibility to make to emergency plan, the community responsibility to inform each one and then it’s up to you to take part of the information. The plan would consist what you can do and how we can survive the crises. It has to be structured and smart so it’s easy to know where you can get food, heat etc. The information has to be available for everyone in the community.
map over our city
Skrivet den 2011-01-21 @ 10:59:43
1. Food store
2. Clothes shop
3. Bike store
4. Hospital
5. Forest
6. Craftsman
7. Smith
8. Shoemaker
9. Farmers
10. Tailor
11. Fabric store
12. Bakery
13. School
14. Printing house
15. Factory
16. Scientist
17. Medicine factory
18. Hair stylist
19. Veterinarian
20. Computer place where you can keep contact to the rest of the world.
21. Café
22. Ambulance
23. Firefighter
24. Police
Skrivet den 2011-01-21 @ 10:41:19
Can we just go back to our previous life? Why or why not? What long-term changes do you think we should make?
We can go back to our precious life; the question is how serious the consequences of that will be.
But however, we shouldn’t go back because we have to take responsibility for the future and family.
If we should go back or not also depends on how many people are willing to make some, not to big, sacrifices. We have to get everyone with us if we want it to be worth living this environmental life.
A long term change we are forced to make is, doing what’s best for the future and earth. As we live now, isn’t the ultimate way of living for our future and earth.
Why do many people feel the desire to go back to life as it was before the oil crisis?
I think that desire comes from our life being to convenient. We are used to our life, and we feel that changes are too complicated. We know about the consequences but we are too lazy and comfortable to go through with the changes.
One reason can also be that we don’t understand this oil crisis, the information we are receiving is way too complicated for the public to understand and relate to. It would be a lot easier to get everyone to continue living this environmental life if the information we are receiving was more simplistic.
If you wanna help in the oil crises!!
Skrivet den 2011-01-21 @ 10:33:35
Here are some good examples if you want to help the oil crises:
- We can use bikes instead of cars. And if we absolutely need to take the car we should use electric cars.
- We can grow our own vegetables and whets and avoid unnecessary transports.
- We shouldn't buy so much plastic things.
- We can take the train instead of the plan or the car.
- We should use low energy lamps
- It's good to recycle things
- And turn off the TV and lights when you’re not using them!
So, how can you motivate other people to do the same?
We have to tell people that it’s just small things that have to be changed. If everybody work together it’s so much easier. All of us that knows about these crises have to be good romodeles to these important changes. We have to show people how easy it’s and inspire them to do the same.
Would you like to live as a caveman??
Skrivet den 2010-12-16 @ 13:17:15
What would it really look like if we went back and live as we did many many years ago?
Since we didn't have neither computers, cars, other transports or electricy.
How would our world work without all this? For us, this would be a completly impossible change in our lifes. We wouldn't be able to take the bus for school which we do every day. Our perents wouldn't be able to get to their jobs and if they're not working we can't get any money and therefor no food. In school we wouldn't be able to work because we wouldn't have any computers. And without the computers we wouldn't have any education and then we can't get any jobs. We would be locked out from other parts in the world without the computer.
We wouldn't be able to warm up our houses without the electricity. I mean no one of us have a fireplace at home! We need all this and therefor we need our oil.
Please help us with this!!!!
Peace and oil
Green energy is worth every penny!
Skrivet den 2010-12-16 @ 13:02:10
Just to switch to green energy is complicated and expensive. First of all you have to change the way you warm up your house, and that is very expensive, just a furnace costs around 100000 sek. Not everyone can afford that just to switch to green energy, even though buying a furnace is an investment!
My family invested in geothermal heating a couple of years ago, but we didn’t do it due to the oil crisis we did it because our old furnace was to break down soon. But looking back at it you can say that it was an environmental investment as well.
We paid 130 000 sek for geothermal heating but now the prices has increased to 175 000 sek, the price has increased with 34,6 % in two years! It’s an expensive price to pay for our environment, but in the long run it will be worth every penny.
/ Olivia
Recycling competition
Skrivet den 2010-12-10 @ 11:08:13
mission failed
Skrivet den 2010-12-02 @ 13:04:57
Today we went outside to take photos of the beautiful Swedish winter, but our camera ran out of batteries and we had to find a way to charge it since we aren't allowed to use electricity in school any longer due to the oil crisis.
So we found a parking lot whit sockets for engine heaters. We tried charging our camera in the socket but it didn't work, because they only work between 3 am and 7 am, to limit the power consumption.
When it's this cold the engines requires so much more gas than in normal circumstances, and the gas price now is sky-high and people can't afford it, that's why they are leaving their cars at home.
A picture says more than a thousand words....
Just take a look at the industries spitting out carbon dioxide and other chemicals contributing to the green house effect.
My health is in danger
Skrivet den 2010-12-02 @ 12:56:31
I have problems with my heart. I was supposed to go to the hospital in Uppsala this morning. My mother's car didn't start, it was too cold outside... We considered to take the bus instead because we couldn't fix the car ourselves. When we arrived to the bus station we read that the buses are no longer in traffic. The bus drivers went on a strike due to the high oil prices. I mean, what is the point of driving a bus full of passengers when you have to stop every single mile because the buses are out of oil. Especially when it's -20 °C, like these days here in Sweden.
I don't tolerate this anymore! I need my medical treatment and we should always be able to get that. We should have health care-buses for sick people which are always in traffic. This will make us feel more secure in our everyday life!
/ A worried Sara
An empty bus station, as it usually look nowadays.
to be continued.....
Skrivet den 2010-11-25 @ 13:01:37
... next week we will reveal footage from our recycling competion!
peace and oil!
a missing dad...
Skrivet den 2010-11-22 @ 13:06:27
Our poster
Skrivet den 2010-11-22 @ 12:40:53
This is our poster which we're going to put up in school.
Our driver's licenses are in jeopardy
Skrivet den 2010-11-22 @ 12:35:22
Every one of us is trying hard to get our driver's license, we're very worried about how this is going to end. Every driver's lesson cost 600 sek for 30 minutes, which is 200 sek more than 6 months ago. We need to take about ten lessons to become a good driver. This means that just the lessons will cost us more than 6000 sek. Rebecca's and Sara's daddies just lost their jobs, so it will be impossible for them to get their driver's licenses. They can’t reach their goals, which they’ve been aiming for so long.
peace and oil!
How will we react when we're unable to charge our cell phones?
Skrivet den 2010-11-11 @ 13:07:37
We think that this is a hugh issue for especially teenagers and those who use their cell phones when working. We want to solve this problem, because we don't want to be unable to charge our phones.
So we will start developing a better and more enviormental alternative to charge your cell phone.
Peace and oil!
Cold november
Skrivet den 2010-11-08 @ 12:19:00
As you all know we live in Sweden and it's getting very cold here now, this morning it was 14 °F. When it gets this cold people tend to use their cars more frequently.
We have persuaded our parents to switch from charcoal heating to geothermal heating. On the roof of our summer house we have put up solar cells, because it's enough to make the house livable.
We are also trying to affect other people by putting up posters in our school with information about how to help in the oil crisis. They are responding well to our posters and many people have asked us for more information, which we are very happy for. Therefore we have decided to hold a lecture about what teenagers can do to help in the crisis.
peace and oil
Is it all thoughts of survival, or is there time for life, love, dreams?
Skrivet den 2010-10-29 @ 10:53:27
Do you have time for life, love and dreams? Or do you spend all your time thinking of the oil crisis?
Most of our thoughts go towards survival, but we want to have time for life, love and dreams! If everyone contributes with what they can, there would be more time for life, love and dreams.
Wouldn’t you want to focus on life, love and dreams instead of always thinking of the oil crisis and your survival?
Or can we find a balance between dreams and reality? That’s our ultimate goal. Fight with us people!
Peace and oil!
Five different worlds
Skrivet den 2010-10-29 @ 10:35:51
Everyone is different; everyone acts and reacts in different ways. We think there're five different people in this oil crisis;
1, people who expect very bad times and are headed out of town.
2, people who are already being pushed to the edge and beyond.
3, people who see the changes coming and are adapting as fast as they can but fear it's not enough.
4, people who live in exurbia and are maintaining a stiff upper lip as they are slowly being bled white.
5, people whose means or prior preparation have rendered them largely immune so far. Plus of course the many who think they are still living in the pre-shock world.
We are the person nr 3. We do care, we want to change and affect the society, that's why we're writing this blog. We can't sit around anymore and watch self-centered people destroy our planet. We are doing this to make the future as good as possible.
All we need is you to help us turn around this crisis.
/ Olivia, Sara, Rebecca & Nicole
the freeeezing cold school.
Skrivet den 2010-10-27 @ 11:27:58
These are our feelings right now...
/ Rebecca & Olivia
had a freeeeezing walk to school today...
Skrivet den 2010-10-27 @ 10:57:48
due to the oil shortage I couldn't drive my car to school today and I had to walk 5 km!! I'm like a popsicle now.
Have a great day readers! xoxo
my wallet is empty....
Skrivet den 2010-10-25 @ 13:03:04
I went to the mall today and you can really start to see the prices increasing due to the high oil price. It has'nt hit me before, but when you read about it in school you really get an perspective over the situation.
The goverment should take their responisbility and inform the society and not try to make it less serious than it is.
This is how my wallet's looking these days...