Is it all thoughts of survival, or is there time for life, love, dreams?
Skrivet den 2010-10-29 @ 10:53:27
Do you have time for life, love and dreams? Or do you spend all your time thinking of the oil crisis?
Most of our thoughts go towards survival, but we want to have time for life, love and dreams! If everyone contributes with what they can, there would be more time for life, love and dreams.
Wouldn’t you want to focus on life, love and dreams instead of always thinking of the oil crisis and your survival?
Or can we find a balance between dreams and reality? That’s our ultimate goal. Fight with us people!
Peace and oil!
Five different worlds
Skrivet den 2010-10-29 @ 10:35:51
Everyone is different; everyone acts and reacts in different ways. We think there're five different people in this oil crisis;
1, people who expect very bad times and are headed out of town.
2, people who are already being pushed to the edge and beyond.
3, people who see the changes coming and are adapting as fast as they can but fear it's not enough.
4, people who live in exurbia and are maintaining a stiff upper lip as they are slowly being bled white.
5, people whose means or prior preparation have rendered them largely immune so far. Plus of course the many who think they are still living in the pre-shock world.
We are the person nr 3. We do care, we want to change and affect the society, that's why we're writing this blog. We can't sit around anymore and watch self-centered people destroy our planet. We are doing this to make the future as good as possible.
All we need is you to help us turn around this crisis.
/ Olivia, Sara, Rebecca & Nicole
the freeeezing cold school.
Skrivet den 2010-10-27 @ 11:27:58
These are our feelings right now...
/ Rebecca & Olivia
had a freeeeezing walk to school today...
Skrivet den 2010-10-27 @ 10:57:48
due to the oil shortage I couldn't drive my car to school today and I had to walk 5 km!! I'm like a popsicle now.
Have a great day readers! xoxo
my wallet is empty....
Skrivet den 2010-10-25 @ 13:03:04
I went to the mall today and you can really start to see the prices increasing due to the high oil price. It has'nt hit me before, but when you read about it in school you really get an perspective over the situation.
The goverment should take their responisbility and inform the society and not try to make it less serious than it is.
This is how my wallet's looking these days...
Week one
Skrivet den 2010-10-25 @ 12:18:10
This is from the first week of our project. We've interviewed some people we met at our school.
Welcome to our blog
Skrivet den 2010-10-15 @ 10:53:22
We're working with a project in school where we're supposed to find out information about the problems with oil. We are four girls from Sweden and we're going to present our information throught our blog. We think it's a good way of showing other people about our throughout. Here we are:
Sara Wilhelmsson
Rebecca Strand
Nicole Brekke
Olivia Dahlqvist